What is the most important principle of the renaissance?

This blog is for the students of Liberty High School. This is an open forum for them to discuss class projects, events and interact with each other about the history they have experienced in class.
This is my 20th year as a teacher and my eighth in the Liberty School District. I love getting students to think about the world they are living in by visiting the past.
1. Individualism
2. Humanism
3. Perspective
4. Classicalism
5. Secularism
This is the order of importance that I found these five aspects of renaissance we studied to be in, one being the most important. I believe individualism is the most important because to me, it sums up the other five principles. Humanism is a view of each person, or human, with his or her own identity, with his or her own thoughts. Individualism definitely covers this. Secularism is also related to individualism in the fact that secularism separates people from the church because THEY DON'T ALL BELIEVE THE SAME THINGS -this would be individualism. Perspective and classicalism aren't exactly individualism per say but there wouldn't be perspective and classicalism if there wasn't individualism, because these people, or "thinkers", would not be thinking any different than they had before, because everybody thought the same! Individualism opened the door to new ideas, such as the other four of these principals. I found secularism to be the least important mostly because it is not valued to the world nearly as much as it was valued during the renaissance. Although America still finds secularism as an extremely huge deal, most other countries stay true to their faith and the faith of their country, even if American's don't want to believe it! I also find secularism of the least importance because although it did play a huge part in the renaissance, it wasn't the biggest part. We do not remember the renaissance for their secularism as we do the new ideas and principals of individualism, humanism, perspective, and classicalism. These four principals were more of the base of the renaissance; secularism just came with the package.
the most important thing learned from the Renaissance would be to question. If it weren't for the people who questioned what seemed wrong, they would more than likely still be corrupt with the priests. this also makes it ok for others to question what they think may be wrong
My opinion on which is the most important principle of the renaissance is secularism because it gives you your choice on how to express yourself on what YOU believe in, and how you think things should be,and there isnt a better way than doing it through art. You never know how you could change society and make everything different like Martin Luther, and so many other people in the world! It can and usually will be hard but it can make a great outcome in the future!
# 1 Secularism
# 2 Idividualism
becauseit expresses yourself and moral, political, or social looksthat points to independance and the inportance if the individual's liberty and right to speech.
# 3 Classicalism because you can show detail of what you think is right and important.
# 4 Humanism because you can show important things, and also honoring certain things as well. for example in the fresco, The School of Athens, Raphael represents humanism through lots of people he hand picked people that did something special and put them in the picture such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michaelangelo.
# 5 perspective
Perspective is important but is not needing to be at the top of the list. it can show what is important. such as the vanashing points and invisible central axis' and so much more! througout renaissance people made very sure of how they did perspective and where everything went but it is not a top priority to be too particualr about it.
Lacey Dutro
Hr. 7
1. Individualism:
Individualism is an idea that promotes independence for people to make their own decisions while also being responsible for ideas or beliefs. I believe this is the most important of all 5 because I think people should be allowed to make all of their own decisions. I suppose being from a western culture and libertarian parents would influence such an idea but I do believe that people should be able to make all of their own choices but should also deal with any consequence that may result. I should be able to choose my religion, who I vote for, my hair colour, my favorite band, or what I want to do with my life. The idea of individualism gave me the option to do that, and for that I am grateful.
2. Secularism:
Secularism is basically the idea of separation of church and state. In most, but not all, cases I believe that the government should not decide who I may marry, what specific religion I practice or how closely I practice it, what I can eat, drink, have, and so on and so forth. The United States is primarily based on the idea of Secularism, with a few exceptions, and that has allowed me to live my life how I will.
Perspective is an idea developed during the Renaissance that has to do with art. Perspective gave depth to drawings that was not able to be shown in previous art. Perspective combines drawing technique with mathematics to get accurate depth and distance in the artwork. This is important to me because learning two-point perspective, which was developed in the renaissance, allows me to add a new sort of realism to my artwork.
4. Classicism:
Classicism resorts back to the ideas of Greeks and Romans during the "Age of Reason". This includes everything from the arts to mathematics. Classicism in art is fantastic for it allows artists to see how advancements in techniques and styles were made, in order to make further progress. Classicism in this since is important to me because I have a large fascination with both the liberal and visual arts, both of which advanced during the classical period in Greece and Rome, and my general understand of art is enhanced by the ideas and progress made by Roman and Greek artists.
5. Humanism:
Humanism is an idea of rationality or reason. Humanism disagrees with the ideas of faith or believing something because you have faith in it. While this is a reasonable (no pun intended) idea, I don't think that the idea that someone is simply wrong because they have faith and no scientific or visible to the human eye sort of proof, is a positive idea. Humanism is in a way, the opposite of Individualism by not wanting to allow people to make choices based on what they simply "believe" but only on what appears to be true.
If I had some other responses to look at I would.
I put these events in this order because i think that everyone should be treated eaqually. It shows how everyone is respected from highest to lowest.
Alex and Sarah
1. Individualism
3. secularism
4. Perspective
5. Classical-ism
1. Individualism- Of the five individualism is the most important to current society, both economically and socially. Individualism allows for a successful capitalistic system and representative government. If we were denied Individualism we would be living in a totalitarian society with no independent wealth.
2.Humanism- While we don't actually see much of this, Humanism should be a main fassit of todays society. Humanism, seen mainly in our government which is SUPPOSED to be egalitarian.
3. Secularism- With changing political climates secularism becomes more and more of an issue. The United States is technically built on a secular philosophy with principals such as freedom religion and separation of church and state.
4.Perspective- Didn't really have any effect on current society but at the time was a revolutionary idea. It inspired a new technique of art and made the majority of the art realistic and sophisticated.
5. Classical-ism the theory of strict regulation and control should be the least present and least important in American Society. Not only does classical-ism counter individualism but it would also counter most of the principles of our "free" society.
Alex and Sarah
1. Individualism
3. secularism
4. Perspective
5. Classical-ism
1. Individualism- Of the five individualism is the most important to current society, both economically and socially. Individualism allows for a successful capitalistic system and representative government. If we were denied Individualism we would be living in a totalitarian society with no independent wealth.
2.Humanism- While we don't actually see much of this, Humanism should be a main fassit of todays society. Humanism, seen mainly in our government which is SUPPOSED to be egalitarian.
3. Secularism- With changing political climates secularism becomes more and more of an issue. The United States is technically built on a secular philosophy with principals such as freedom religion and separation of church and state.
4.Perspective- Didn't really have any effect on current society but at the time was a revolutionary idea. It inspired a new technique of art and made the majority of the art realistic and sophisticated.
5. Classical-ism the theory of strict regulation and control should be the least present and least important in American Society. Not only does classical-ism counter individualism but it would also counter most of the principles of our "free" society.
I really think that Humanism and Individualism are a tie for the most important principle of the renaissance. The individualism is needed because people need to start to think and act for themselves, instead of being focuesd on everyone as a whole. The humanism is important because people needed to start to question what they were being told, instead of just accepting it as fact and moving on. If people thought for themselves, they could come up with new and origional ideas. This could futher the entire group instead of staying at the same place as far as advancements are concerned.
1. Individualism
2. Secularism
3. Classicalism
4. Perspective
5. Humanism
I chose individualism as my number one choice because being an individual is a huge deal to me. Being able to think for yourself is important especially in such a guliable society. Many people can't think for themselves and being an individual allows them to push the boundaries and get others to think.
I chose humanism as my number five becasue i dont think that it is very important. Humanism is basically saying that you cant believe in anything unless you have proof of it being true. I think that you should be able to believe in whatever you want. The world would never grow and advance if people didn't question life and concepts.
I believe that individualism was the most important aspect of the Renaissance. Individualism was important because it helped people branch out and become their own person. Individualism pushed people to learn new things, and not to do what everyone else was doing. If we didn't have individualism we might not be as technologically advanced and wouldn't know as much about science, astromony, or medicines. Individualism also let people break away from churches and stop doing what everyone else was doing. This helped other religions develop. Individualism also led us to explore new places and create new countries with different forms of government. Without individualism we would not be where we are today.
I think that the most important principle of the renaissance is Individualism. I think this because it tought people to question their authority. Instead of just going off of what the pope says people learned to think for themselves. From this, new religions were formed and people began to build new cities.
Individualism is first on my list because it is the creativity and originality of the individual that brought about the revoltions of the renaissance. Secularism second because it changed conventional veiws and allowed changes to happen.Humanism third because it gave people the desire to make things better by learning from the past.Classicalism is last on my list becase classicalism is what held back many advances and revolutions.
Within the Renaissance, many principles came into play.
1. Individualism - I think individuality played an important role, because without it how do we know there even would have been a "new beginning." People were given the chance to think for themselves and develop new ideas. This, I believe, paved the way for new ways of learning and advancing themselves.
2. Classicalism - Classicalism was important because to have a fresh start, one has to be able to learn from the past. It was and is important to forming opinions and growing from past mistakes or triumphs.
3. Perspective - This was a new way of seeing and being able to develop art. Metaphorically speaking, it was an entirely new way of seeing the world and developing a brighter future.
4. Secularism - This brought the separation of church and state. I think this was very important because no longer would the people be controlled or forced to practice and religion or way of life that their values did not agree with.
5. Humanism - This is the distinction between faith and reason. I think it is important to have the facts and logic, but I also can recognize that sometimes there is no need for explanation or even reason. An idea is never wrong, just becuase there is no evidence to back it up. It would be impossible to explain everything through science, sometimes you just have to accept what happens and have faith in the world in which we live today.
1.secularism-I think that this is the most important because in a time when everything revolved around religion, people broke away and started to accept secular ideas. I also think it is important because it has stayed with us all of this time and causes contriversy.
5.humanism-I think that humanism is the least important because i don't believe that just becasue there is no proof in something it can't be true. I still think you should believe what you think is true.
I think individualism is the most important because it lets people express themselves and make their own decisions. It opens doors for people and gives them faith.
Individualism is the most important principle because if people didn't stay an individual, none of them would have asked questions nor fight the system to make it right.
The most inmportant principle ifrom the renaisance is the idea scholastisicm. We should think for ourselves and not take the ifo given to us as truth, find out for ouselves and question authority.
the most important principal of the renaissance is questioning because with out questioning nobody moves forward history just stays still
the most important principle of the renaissance is questioning. this is because if you don't question nothing moves forward; there will be no advancements in technology.
1. Individualism
2. Secularism
3. Perspective
4. Classicalism
5. Humanism
I believe individualism is the most important because people started to have their own ideas and follow what they wanted to believe. With the start of individualism, it was possible for people to have secularism and change their religion, and/or perspective.
While I find individualism the most important, I find Humanism the least. This is because Humanism is in some ways actually opposite of individualism. With this people are not allowed to believe what they want because there is no "proof", but only what is in front of them to believe.
1.Individualism-I believe individualism is the most important because it makes everyone who they are.
2.Secularism-This is also very important because it goes along with individualism. It allows people to express themselves through art, music, etc. without it being about religion. Secularism gives people a chance to believe in what the want to or be who they want to.
3.Perspective-This is important as well because now people are making art from their perspective, or view. Its how the artist sees things.
4.Humanism-Humanism rediscovered the study of the literature, art, and civilization of ancient Greece and Rome.(dictionary.com)This is important because many things can be learnd from the past.
5.Classicalism-Lastly I chose classicalism which is "the principles or styles characteristic of the literature and art of ancient Greece and Rome." (dictionary.com) Although i put it last, it is just about as important as the rest, it's alot like humanism.
The most important principle of the Renaissance is Secularism. It took away from focusing everything on church to focusing on other life functions. Since some people have their own ideas about religion or none at all, it gave people a chance to learn and focus on other aspects of life. This also gave people a chance to express themselves.
1. Individualism
2. Humanism
3. Secularism
4. Perspective
5. Classicalism
Reasons for Individualism being the best...
I think individualism was the most important principal during the renaissance, becuase it began to make people think for themselves, and not have to rely on what others were telling them. They became more aware of what others were telling them, and they could decide for themselves if it was right or wrong. People now did not have to be 'babied' around, and could rely on themselves more.
Reasons for Classicalism being the worst...
I think classicalism did the least when it came to helping us. It was just a way of thinking about the romans and the greeks. This became evidant in the new arts and sciences that were appearing. Although it brougt a different way of thinking, I just dont think it had as a big of an impact as Humanism, or any of the others. In a way, Classicalism does not seem to push people to new ideas, but to older ways.
I believe the most importand principle of the renaissance is perspective because it taught humans to think in different ways. It gave many things more meaning. Thing once had one straight forward meaning, but, when people began to change their perspective, many new possibilities and opportunities opened up. If it weren't for perspective, we generally would all be thinking the same.
I believe the most importand principle of the renaissance is perspective because it taught humans to think in different ways. It gave many things more meaning. Thing once had one straight forward meaning, but, when people began to change their perspective, many new possibilities and opportunities opened up. If it weren't for perspective, we generally would all be thinking the same.
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