How does geography influence our values in the United States?

We just finished our look at Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, and one of the key points that we studied was the influence the geography of the regions played in culture, religion, and the optimism of the people. Do you think that the geography of the United States has any affect on our culture, values, or traditions? The U.S. is known for loving freedom, democracy, and taking good ideas and invention and improving upon them. We are a country, in which, tolerance, speech, religion, and equality, though not always valued, have become increasingly important. Did our geography have anything to do with this?
The United States ideas on tolerance, free speech, freedom of religion, and equality have to do with the Europeans that immigrated here from across the world. The pilgrims came from countries where freedom was unheard of. They wanted to leave that behind and create a country of tolerance and freedom. They used the ocean between their former homes and new colonies to create their ideal country that is now know as the United States.
Our geography keeps us safe from other countries because we only boarder two countries, who we are friendly with, and to our east and west we have oceans. The geography helps us keep our values what we want them to be without being changed due to invasion and hostility.
Geography is a major influence on culture and religion. This isn’t especially true for the United States. The United States of America is generally secluded which plays into the fact that we aren’t invaded or involved in wars as often as a country whose boarders are always changing, but other than that I have to say that the United States is an exception in the influence of geography. As stated in the question the United States is known for freedom, democracy, and improving upon new ideas, none of which have anything to do with geography. I believe that the United States influenced itself and it had nothing to do with geography.
Geography is a major influence on culture and religion. This isn’t especially true for the United States. The United States of America is generally secluded which plays into the fact that we aren’t invaded or involved in wars as often as a country whose boarders are always changing, but other than that I have to say that the United States is an exception in the influence of geography. As stated in the question the United States is known for freedom, democracy, and improving upon new ideas, none of which have anything to do with geography. I believe that the United States influenced itself and it had nothing to do with geography.
Geography is a major influence on culture and religion. This isn’t especially true for the United States. The United States of America is generally secluded which plays into the fact that we aren’t invaded or involved in wars as often as a country whose boarders are always changing, but other than that I have to say that the United States is an exception in the influence of geography. As stated in the question the United States is known for freedom, democracy, and improving upon new ideas, none of which have anything to do with geography. I believe that the United States influenced itself and it had nothing to do with geography.
Freedom of values, morals and religion have been emphasized since America's beginning. People do not feel threatened or forced to believe something they don't. It is that freedom that has brought so much diversity to America. Because the country almost stands alone, it is more protected and everyone is accepted. No one is going to try to force or invade our own morals and values. It is the geography of America that has shaped the country we live in today.
While it's obvious from ancient examples like Egypt and Mesopotamia, that geography can have a significant affect on the development of a society's culture and values, such an influence has not occurred in the United States. While societies whose value systems were determined by geography, settled in their specific area because of necessary land-marks (i.e. rivers), the United States was not originally appealing as an independent country because of its geographical layout or natural resources. Instead its appeal lay in the idealistic, and not geographic, potential of the region. Because the United States is influenced by so many different cultures, and therefore different value systems, it would be impossible for us to base much on the geography of our country. In fact, there's never been any need to. As an independent and diverse nation, our beliefs, culture, and values are of our own making, not because of the challenges multiple mountain ranges, salt lakes, and desolate prairies can create, but in spite of them.
I do not belive that geography directly influences the values, traditions or any other aspects of the culture of the United States. I believe that immigrants from other countries is the only influence the United States has had.
When foreign countries first began to form and shape their ideas, geography played a big role in developing their cultures. Countires bordering other countries and societies engaged in trade passed on traditions, religions and ideas (such as writing and language) through contact. For example, Egypt relied greatly on Mesopotamia for governing ideas, building teachniques and a writing system. Theunited States is a very isolated country. We rarely engaged in trade when our society first began because of the difficulties of transportation. Because of this, we had create our own traditons and values. Later after our country developed, immigrants from other countries came to America. The immigrants brought along their own ideas, and affected our culture somewhat, but not enough to make a big impact on our already established country. Today our society has been greatly shaped by the diversity immigrants have brought, but geography had nothing to do with it.
geography has some what of a influence on the united states because the wars and the countries that are bordering the united states. The united states is known for freedom because ther are not many countries that have ass much freedom as the united states. I think that the united states has been influenced of geography from other countries.
Geography is a major influence on culture and religion.geography can have a significant affect on the development of a society's culture and values, such an influence has not occurred in the United States. I think that all the other countries geograpphy is coming from the united states because we are like the only country that has so much freedom. I think that the united states influenced itself not the geography
I don't believe that geography plays a part in influencing our values in the United States. Because there are so many races in this country, we can't say that geography influences our values when the values represented by all the other countries are represented in the United States.
Geography plays a huge role in the values as a citizen i place in the hands of not only the military but the government itself. Placed in the middle of two land masses (canada, central america), and pressed between two ocean (pacific, and atlantic), makes entry into the U.S. easier. But with the technology and equipment we have now radars can tell if any boats are trying to get in as well as planes and as far as the borders of land they have security of their own.
Geography didn't effect on our values as much as it may have effected our culture. The geography has given us a feeling of safety because we only border two other countries. This has allowed our culture to focus on things other than worring about safety. The geography has allowed us to push forward to find new things and map new areas. In a way, it has allowed us to become who we are as a nation.
Geography didn't effect on our values as much as it may have effected our culture. The geography has given us a feeling of safety because we only border two other countries. This has allowed our culture to focus on things other than worring about safety. The geography has allowed us to push forward to find new things and map new areas. In a way, it has allowed us to become who we are as a nation.
I believe that our country's geography has something to do with our culture. For example, Iowa has good soil for growing corn. Naturally, many of the people who live in Iowa are farmers. If you've ever been to Iowa, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Drive into Iowa and you see cornfield after cornfield.
I don't feel that geography does influence our values. We are a free country and have many oppurtunities to do lots of things in our lives, and I don't think that geography has anything to do with that. Also, the U.S. isn't really known for its geography, it's known for its democracy and government and diversity.
I do not believe that geography has a great impact on the United States' culture, values, or traditions as it does with other countries. While the U.S. is tolerant of speech, religion, and equality, these are not an effect of the geography of the country. In example, religion is diverse in every town of every city of every state in this country, no matter the region of which people are living in.
Geography had a great impact on how our nation is today. Back in the 1800's during the revolutionary war, it was possible for patriots and militia men to fight against the British, because we were so far away. It took the British 3 months to make contact to their country, to inform them on how the war is going, and seek new strategies. Because of this, I think it made it much easier for the patriots and militia men to win the revolutionary war. You also have to look at where the country is placed. The United States has oceans on both the East and West coasts, with two friendly countries on the North and South side. This obviously keeps us safer, than if we had a more hostile country take either Canada or Mexico's place. This has a great impact on the way we see other countries as well, which is not always for the best. Because we are isolated the way we are, people do not realize what is really happening around the world. There is starvastion and civil wars accuting in other countries, and some Americans think they can solve every problem. A countries geography can have both positive, and negative impacts on it.
Geography influences our values in the United States in a large way. We are bordered by countries like Mexico and Canada and therefore we have alot more immigrants. The more immigrants that come to the U.S the more our values will change to be accustomed to theres. They have different political and religious values than alot of the people in the U.S do. Also our geographical features that we have in the U.S also really influence our values because we sometimes take the scenery for granted and we happen to have alot of lakes and ponds in the United States that can be used for water. In places like Saudi Arabia they have alot of desert and so they have completely different values than us. Water is one of the things that they probabley value the most! So all in all geography really influences our values in the United States.
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