Mr. Coffman's Classroom

This blog is for the students of Liberty High School. This is an open forum for them to discuss class projects, events and interact with each other about the history they have experienced in class.

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Location: Lee's Summit, Missouri

This is my 20th year as a teacher and my eighth in the Liberty School District. I love getting students to think about the world they are living in by visiting the past.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What is the most important thing that history can teach us?

There are many things one can learn in a history class. The questions is, "What will be the most relevant or important thing?" History teaches you the values, beliefs, and traditions of cultures from long ago. Also, History gives us lessons from the past, so that we may learn from other people's experiences. History can make us proud of our past and inspire us to do great things in the future. History can help us make decisions based on careful evaluation of a situation. A good student of History can analyze facts in order to persuade people that what they say has merit. Lastly, History demands truth and proof that the story that is being told is the correct story. Which of these factors do you think is the most important thing that History will be able to teach you?


Blogger Maria6th said...

The most important thing that history can teach us is that history is happening everyday around us!!! You can either make it a good one or a bad!!! Make history

2:27 AM  
Blogger lacey7th said...

The most inportant thing history can teach us our right decisions that we make in life.History has important lessons to teach us. but if we are to learn from it, we must ensure that we have all of the facts straight.History does not repeat even though sometimes it looks like it does, but the waiting time of the days can teach us something about characteristics of such a certain time;both good and bad times

4:04 PM  
Blogger Eddie3rd said...

The most important thing that history can teach us is no matter what IT is the future depends on those desicions. History can be a number of things from acts of heroism, devestating acts of terrorists activities or even something as simple as getting good grades. But as time moves on so do we and with each bit of history we learn we can use that in the future when we come across the same types of conflicts.

8:54 PM  
Blogger Sarah Black said...

History is probably one of the most significant subjects a student should learn. Personally i don't believe that there is a 'most relevant' focus that history can teach us. I believe that every aspect of history is important, because it allows us to expand our minds in religion, traditions, culture, and what is different from current time compared to the past. One important aspect that may be superior to the rest is learning from our past and not letting history repeat its self. This is notably important mainly because we are learning from our mistakes. Although this 'learning from our past' doesn't happen all the time, I still believe it may be important.

~Sarah Black

5:52 PM  
Blogger Ally Weimer said...

Personally, I believe history is the most relevant subject that we, as students, can apply in today's world. History can teach us about culture, tradition, language of different countries and different people and enrich the lives we live. It plays a role in all of our lives and can broaden our horizon and help us to understand the world we live in. History has made us who we are as people and as the world. That is something to remember everyday. History is happening every day, every hour, every second. As people and as a country we are making history.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Alex2nd said...

I know for a fact that I'm going to use history much more than I'll ever use math, english, science, spanish, or any other class, because from it I learn a more valuable lesson than any other subject could teach. While other ccourses may prepare us for our futures by telling us what to do and how to do it, history teaches the absolute and crucial opposite. Lessons in history require us to focus on our mistakes, analyze their long term effects, and hopefully refrain from repeating them. The most valuable lesson history teahces us is not what we should do, but instead, and more importantly, what we shouldn't.

-Alex Elliott

7:07 PM  
Blogger rwillett said...

The most important thing that history can teach us, is that we can learn from our mistakes we have made to better improve our future. We can also use what has worked in the past to build off of in the future.

9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geography is a major influence on culture and religion. This isn’t especially true for the United States. The United States of America is generally secluded which plays into the fact that we aren’t invaded or involved in wars as often as a country whose boarders are always changing, but other than that I have to say that the United States is an exception in the influence of geography. As stated in the question the United States is known for freedom, democracy, and improving upon new ideas, none of which have anything to do with geography. I believe that the United States influenced itself and it had nothing to do with geography.

7:18 PM  
Blogger kpaul said...

History is one of the most important subjects to learn. History is used every single day, I mean where would we be without our ancestors on the Mayflower? People might tell you that the past is not important it is all about what you do in the future. Which is completly false. The past defines who you are and what you've gone through and therefore it gives you a glimpse of what you can be and what you can achieve.

5:57 PM  
Blogger Kara Shobe said...

History is something very valuable that needs to be learned by all ages. Everybody always says if we look at the past we can make sure not to do that again. But that is not always true. I mean, look at the past. I lot of wars have taken place. Well we are at war now. I still believe we can learn from the past but we have a lot of learning left to do evidently.

Secondly, it is always really educational and helpful to learn the history of your own country and the world around you for daily knowledge. Without a history class, I probably would know anything about the world or the United States.
History helps you learn about your ancestors and your family past. About what you are supposed to accomplish and become in life. History in some way guides you through life the way you are supposed to be.

~Kara Shobe

6:57 PM  
Blogger steffen day said...

I think the most important thing history can teach us is to not repeat our mistakes. There are a lot of things that we would not want to be repeated. For example if a man was talking about some group of people and how they should not be alive, like Hitler did, hopefully we have learned from that and will take that person seriously and stop him unlike what we did with Hitler.

8:25 PM  
Blogger Taylor J said...

The most important reason to study our history is so that we can realize our mistakes. By realizing what we've done wrong, it's easier to not let history repeat itself. This is very relavent in day to day life. A few days ago the president of Iran was allowed to visit a university where professors, students, reporters and others were able to ask him questions about his controversial views. I believe this was a mistake because in the past I've heard about the things he's done and the quotes he's said that suggests that he's a dangerous and basically crazy person. I don't know why the citizens of the United States or the president allowed him to come to enter our country after what he's done. If more people learned the signifigance of studing our history and his background, they might also feel that the decison to let him come to one of our universities was a stupid decison. Years ago, the president of Iran held over 400 people hostage and threatened to hurt them. I believe that letting him re-enter our country was setting us up to repeat the same disaster. Most people argue that our security and protection is so strong that it's impossible for that to re-occur, but we also have to take into account that his country's teachnology has also improved.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Brenna6th said...

The most important lesson you can learn from history is to learn from the mistakes that have already been made. You don't need to learn the same lesson twice.

1:12 PM  
Blogger Andrea Dobney said...

The most important thing history teaches us, is the world we live in. History happens every day and some history is bound to happen one way or another. We learn history in every class. To learn science we have to learn the history, in math, in communication arts, everywhere. Some people say if we do not learn from history we are bound to repeat it. In my opinon that is the most important thing we can learn from history. If we do not learn from the past we will not have a good future.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Sonya and Brittany said...

The most important thing we can learn from history is how to make informed decisions. We learn about different events for a reason so that we may or may not repeat our decisions we made then.

6:57 PM  
Blogger Tyreak Speed said...

History is most important it teaches us about what happened in the past and how we should make good decisions on what we do. It shows us all the bad and good things that happened and shows how they ways it is diffrent now then it was then.

8:28 PM  
Blogger Brenna said...

The most important thing that history can teach us is to make the right decisions and not to repeat the mistakes we once made and to show the benefits of doing something right.

8:23 PM  
Blogger pmillan said...

History is the study of the past. The teachings of history are tools for the youth to make old values, solidify them, and make them our own so that we do not repeat pieces of our horrific past.

10:15 AM  
Blogger jwehr said...

History can teach us our mistakes from our past. As a whole, mankind has a tendancy to mess up. Some of these mistakes were recorded. We learn about these things so that we don't make those same mistakes.

11:52 AM  
Blogger kaite damgar said...

The most important thing that history can teach us is that you are able to learn from the past; like in the renaissance era; when they looked back at the Greek and roman style and literature.

12:04 PM  
Blogger dana said...

History is just an important subject to know. It lets us know about our origin and how our countries, religion, etc. came to be. It also allows us to learn from our mistakes so we don't repeat them, History is something that you'll use in everyday life and most likely apply to the things you do. Plus, if you know your history well, you won't look like an idiot in front of the whole country on Jay Leno's show, if he asks you questions on American History.

1:54 PM  
Blogger nikki dinsmore said...

People always say "You need to know your history, so you don't repeat it in the future". While most people roll their eyes at this, it is very much true. The most important thing that history can teach us is that in one way or another, every decision will effect the future. Also, history can also teach us to not forget what has already happened, because without the knowledge of what has happened previously, it is almost certain that it will happen again.

1:59 PM  
Blogger Alvin Le said...

I think the mose important thing history teaches us today, is how to make the deciions that will affect our future. We can look at what happened in our past such as bad things like the hollocaust, and world wars, and do our best to avoid those things. There is a saying that 'History repeats itself', and it is true. An example is the middle eastern countries. they have been fighitng for more than two thousand years, and many of the events are reaccuring today. History can teach us not to make the same mistakes twice, and help keep our world safe.

11:33 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

History is so important in a young person's life. It teaches us the culture of the different people among us and shows us that the choices of one can effect many. It can inspire us to do great things with the one life we have and teach us to look outside of what we have always been told.It tells us that we can make a difference no matter who we are or where we live. No matter what clothes we wear or what class we are in. History is a look into the mentality of the people who lived before us and make better choices based on what we have seen in the past. Through history we can learn to live this day with all honesty and integrity, and know that in the end, we made a difference.

4:46 PM  
Blogger Brooke McPheeters said...

History can teach us many things about life and how the world works in different ways. You can't look at history in an opionin point of way but listen to what went on. It teaches you right from wrong in society and how others lived without things we have today in which they were fine. History can teach us the future as well. It shows what happened earlier in life and can propose what might happen later. Also, the beginning of the world can teach us more about our world and how the world works in return. It can teach us many things about weather, crisis, war, trade, farming, government, civilizations, religion, soical classes, entertainment and everything you can think of. The world would not be where it was today because of the past that has happened.

8:21 PM  
Blogger thollingsworth said...

The most important thing that history can teach us is to learn from our mistakes. Throughout history, similar problems have occured over and over again. It continues like a cycle. For example, the empires of China were a repeating cycle. Therefore, if people learn from the mistakes that took place in history, then certain situations would improve.

9:14 PM  
Blogger Bailey said...

I believe that the most important part of history is the content that helps everyone make decesions for the future. This factor is the most imporntant because without history being recorded then many civilizations and countries would most likely continue to go to war with the same countries over the same issues without history being recorded and refered back to based on situation.

12:15 PM  

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