What was the greatest contribution of the Neolithic cultures?

Prior to the development of civilizations, Neolithic nomadic cultures could be found all over the earth. The idea that these groups of people were uncivilized, uneducated and had nothing to offer to the history of mankind is an indication of a person who has very little understanding of the importance of the advancement of intellect and philosophy. The people showed an understanding of life after death, ecology, respect for environment. Their contributions were the founding of civilized societies. After studying them this year, what do you think is their greatest contribution to history?
The Nomadic Era offered many great advances in the areas of agriculture and thought/reason. But the single most important aspect of this time period came from the agriculture component of the era, the invention of farming. Farming allowed other important aspects of a society to develop because the Nomads no longer had to spend their entire time looking for food and could focus on other tasks such as more specialized arts and crafts.
The Neolithic people contributed many great things to our history. The most important thing coming from this era was the fact that these once nomadic people turned away from their normal hunthing and gathering lifestyle to the idea of a permanent settlement. This changed many things for these people because now they rely on the idea of trading to get the materials not found in their lands. This caused the interactions between civilizations that is still seen today.
the neolithic cultures biggest impact on history and todays society would definitely be the fact that they were the first people to establish a civilized, organized society and set the footwork for all later civilizations to come. this organized life included farming, hunting, and gathering, and not only that but they developed tools that were very useful in these activities. lastly, the best impact the neolithic cultures left on history was that they did more than just survive, they had a civilized society that was better than all before
the neolithic cultures biggest impact on history and todays society would definitely be the fact that they were the first people to establish a civilized, organized society and set the footwork for all later civilizations to come. this organized life included farming, hunting, and gathering, and not only that but they developed tools that were very useful in these activities. lastly, the best impact the neolithic cultures left on history was that they did more than just survive, they had a civilized society that was better than all before
The early nomadic people advanced greatly and contributed to early society with their idea of permanent settlement. These people went from hunting and gathering to farming and staying in one area. After this advancement, civilizations were created and soon after that, government and law. Without these civilizations, trade would not be started. Early nomadic people also had an idea of life after death and brought up the idea of religion and gods.
Two of the greatest contributions onf the Neolithic cultures was the creation of tools and agriculture. The neolithic people gave us the first hand tools made of stone so that they were stronger. They also started the idea of farming for food instead of gathering it. This allowed people to settle and start the idea for us to continue.
The Neolithic cultures contributed many great things to our society today. The most important component that they contributed was farming and a stationary society. At first they moved around from place to place during different seasons because different food grew in different places. This is a nomadic way of living. When they would return back to a place they had been before there would be trees and shrubs in place of where their trash would have been. They realized that when they threw things like apple cores away it would grow a new tree and they would eventually have more. This is when farming was invented. Farming helped because they were hunters and gatherers and by farming they could have a more stationary society and not have to move with the season. Without these Neolithic people inventing farming and a stationary society we would not be where we are today.
The Neolithic time period had so much to offer the civilizations that would come much later in history. The Neolithic people were the first to establish themselves and formed the first permanent settlements. This is probably one of their most important contributions to society, that has served as the foundation of civilizations as far as the present day. They also paved the way for new technology and industry. The people of that time were able to establish art, tools and cultural traditions. All of these contributions of the Neolithic people have formed the societies in which we live today.
The Neolithic people, I think, contributted some of the most signifigant changes than any other time period. They brought about the change from the Hunter/Gatherer lifestyle to a more permanant settlement, and eventually a civilization. During this time period of great change, they also learned how to domesticate animals to benefit themselves. They traded with others around them, which benefited everyone. With all of this, they were forming the basics of a society.
They showed us how important life after death could be. they were the brightest people back then but they knew a thing or two about that. Also they lived a nomadic lifestyle and traveled around to find their own food. they were hunters and gatherers.
The greatest contribution of the neolithic culture would have to be farming, and the domestication of animals. Without this advancement we might not be producing food the way we do today. In America, we have an abundance of food. I can't imagine having to move from day to day just to get some meat for dinner.
The greatest contribution front the neolithic culture was the farming. It changed the nomads lives around because they could settle in one place and not have to move around all of the time. Not only was it a great advancment then but it still used and our society is very dependent on it.
I think that the greatest contributions that were made by neolithic cultures to the world was there advances in agriculture which was derived from there adapted ability to reason things out and say"Hey if i do this...this will happen" Because of this neolithic cultures were finally able to make huge headway in agriculture with revolutionized the way society worked on that era and intern changed history.Without key advances such as agriculture in history, today we very well could still be in the stone age.
I think that the greatest contribution from the Neolithic cultures is that they settled and changed life from hunting and taveling to settling somewhere and taking a chance. This is the greatest contribution because it is still around today!
Farming was probably the biggest contribution of the Neolithic time period. This worked out perfectly for many people because they no longer had to slave for days looking for food, they could farm and do other things that they wanted to do. They broadened the activities in their life, thanks to farming.
The Neolithic Era had two great contributions to history and future life. The first being that they changed their lifestyle from hunting-gathering to settling. Because of this becomes their second contribution. The people of the Neolithic Era created the first civilization. Those became a great basis for new civilizations to base their lives off of since then.
The neolithic people contributed to future eras by adding to developments in agriculture, settlements and crafting tools. They developed the ability to plant, and cultivate crops, they developed the tools needed to harvest the crops, which were later added to and improved. With these inventions in technology and farming, future eras and generations were able to take the advancements and improve upon them to improve future lifestyles.
The neolithic people did many things for us, but the biggest was the change from a hunter gatherer lifestyle to the beggining of a permanant settlement. This started agriculture and farming, which meant that peopulations increased. They learned how to domesticate animals for food, protection, and travel. They started the basic foundaries of a civilization.
The Neolithic people were very important and contributed important things many things during their era. I would say that their greatest contribution to history is the idea of man made tools. Man made tools allowed not only civilizations to be formed, but the hunter-gatherer groups to survive that preceded these great new civilizations that we all live in today. Without these specialized tools we wouldn't be here today.These tools later became specialized arts and crafts in civilizations that continue to shape our world in major ways today.
I think the greatest contribution the Neolithic cultures made was life after death. This gave the foundation for many religons to branch off of in the future. As I have been taught, many things are effects of religon. Almost all laws and government rules are based off religon. Without the Neolithic culture there may be no religons today, therefore causing a complete alteration in history.
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