American History: Was Inherit the Wind biased?
Do you think that the movie Inherit the Wind was biased toward one side of the issue of Creationism vs. Evolution? Do you think the debate about Creationism and Evolution is an important issue in education today? We talked about this issue in class and many of you had great opinions about Evolution and Creationism. In particular, I enjoyed the debate that happened in 5th hour. If you care to put your opinions down on this blog so that they can be read and debated by other students in class and around the city I would be willing to give you 10 points of extra credit instead of the usual 5. Many of you could use the extra credit to make up for your video projects.
i think the movie "Inherit the Wind" was biased toward teaching creationisma nd evolution but i believe the court that day had already chosen which side would win the case. i think that staudents should the best of both worlds, teach creationism and teach evolution-botha re theories, and we understand that. the movie was good, i enjoyed the parts that were not so bias. like when the lawyer came to town and challenged the townspeople. also the reporter was really funny. thanks!
I dont think we should care about the topic of evolution in the classroom. my reason is this it gets everyone who doesnt believe in it upset that there child might pick up a new idea and go against theres. i have never seen "Inherit the Wind" so i cant tell you if its biased or not but i do think that if kids want to learn about evolution they will learn it on there own.
The movie was extremely biased towards creationism and today not much has changed. It is still looked at as being very controversal if someone truly believes in evolution as opposed to creationism, reguardless of what is said. True, the topic itself is a very debateable one, but it shouldn't be looked at as being this huge ordeal simply because everyone's going to have an opinion no matter what. By arguing over it, they are proving nothing more than what their ideas are. Some parts were funnier than others, though, such as the lawyerand reporter subtly laughing at the town for making a big deal over a topic that is primarily based off of opinion. heck, look at some of the clubs that are religious based in schools, and no one says anything bad about them. Same thing, if you are teaching one side, the only way to really avoid the controversy is to teach both sides.
I believe that the movie was biased because of where the trial was held. I think that if the trial had been held in a city where Creationism was not the only thing taught, and Fundamentalism wasn't quite as strong, I believe the trial would have been much less biased.
Inherit the wind would be considered biased at the curretn time.. back then that was not biased because the majority of people believed in creationism.. evolution is pure fiction though, with nothing in writing to back it up.. however.. creationism is outlined in the bible and at least has textual support... So in that sense i believe that Inherit the wind was not biased..
5th Hour
The movie "Inherit the Wind" was biased yes, but I also believe that people have the right to learn both sides of the story. Also, on the other hand, you can't teach one or the other because of people's beliefs and conflicts between them. Our world is so diverse that it is impossible to keep ideas out of others heads. I myself personally have a different religion than most in the school and I don't believe in Creationism, and I believe some Evolutionism theories are just a bunch of swak. So I believe that the times have changed and that no one thing should just be put into one's head. People should be more open minded when it comes to giving new ideas.
I think the movie "Inherit the Wind" was very biased in the favor of Evolution. The movie gave the impression as if creationism was wrong even though everyone in the movie believed in creationism. I don't believe that teaching anyone of these theories are wrong in any way, because everyone should be able to learn or believe in anything they want. Both creationism and evolution were never proven to be 100% right, so i can't understand why both aren't being tought in school. I also feel that the debate about Creationism and Evolution is an important issue in education today. Many states are having a battle over what should they teach and what they shouldn't.
I see the debate between Creattioism and evolution an important part of education. But it would all depend, to decide to let creationism into schools, on the state to decide if the matter would go against church and state. Another topic important to deucation because what would education be without the question Why? To make others wonder and reason or debate on a topic to make a decition.
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