Mr. Coffman's Classroom

This blog is for the students of Liberty High School. This is an open forum for them to discuss class projects, events and interact with each other about the history they have experienced in class.

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Location: Lee's Summit, Missouri

This is my 20th year as a teacher and my eighth in the Liberty School District. I love getting students to think about the world they are living in by visiting the past.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Scholasticism vs. Monasticism

Which of these ideas is more important to you? Explain why. Is it possible to live your life by only one of these ideas? Describe how your life so far shows that you are a believer in one or the other of these ideas.


Blogger Kara Shobe said...

I would say scholasticism is more important to me because it is a way to solve problems and work things through using theory and logic. I am a very realistic person and I use more education to base my opinions than I do religion or anything else.
If one is a strong believer in one of the two then yes, there is a possible way to live life by just using one. Certain things may be very difficult if you use just one of the two ideas but if you have enough reason and logic to back it up then I do believe it is possible to live on just one of the ideas.
My life so far shows that I am a stronger believer in scholasticism than monasticism because I try to base everything I do and work for off of past experiences and theories from the past. Rather than using religion.

8:45 PM  
Blogger Raquel said...

The ideas of Scholasticism and Monasticism are not necessarily opposites unless made to be and a balance and moderation of both, like with all things in life, would lead to a prosperous and happy life. An example of these two would be the difference between Daoism and Confucianism. Confucianism is based on education, while Daoism focuses on the following of a natural path. While people in China have followed only one of these paths by picking either Confucianism or Daoism, I believe that in the modern world it is a mix of both the ideas of Scholasticism and Monasticism. While I may go to church and consider faith a major part of my life, I also attend school and very much so value education. I do not see anything wrong with such a balance between the two, but rather see a problem with veering extremely towards one idea or the other and in my life they are equally important.

1:31 AM  
Blogger quentin said...

i would have to say that scholasticism is more important to me because it uses logic that cant be argued with and is more realistic, which works pretty well because i'm more of a realistic person. by this i mean education and facts are important and easier for me to understand and use than religion and its ideas, i do use a little of both, but if i had only one to use it would be scholasticism.
i'd say its possible to live your life by both ideas, because some situations it may be more appropriate to use the idea of scholasticism to reason and make a decision, and in other situations mosasticism may be more appropriate.
so far in my life, like ive said, ive been one to be more realistic and you could say a see it to believe it type of person. this shows that in my past ive leaned further thowards scholasticism.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Sarah Black said...

Sholasticism is not only more important than monasticism but it also makes more sense. Monasticisms main idea is to learn it because 'I say so' unlike Sholasticism which main idea was to teach everything and allow the pupil to decide what makes more sense to them.

I believe that you can live your life through one of these ideas. Specifically Scholasticism. By learning all different options and choosing which is best for you, you are in a way becoming yourself. You can live through Monasticism by just not questioning anything.

In my life so far, I use scholasticsim as a basis to my ideas. I like to question and don't enjoy being told to believe in something with no reason.

9:06 AM  
Blogger Meagan Mahanes said...

I definetly think that scholasticism is more important because it allows you and actually requires you to question what you are told and not just accept it. Monasticism is just accepting what people tell you as fact. I don't however, think that it is possible to live your life by only one of the two, you need each one in different areas. For example, there are some things you just can't question and there are some things that must be questioned. In my life, I would like to believe that I am mostly scholastic because I have a nasty habbit of arguing and questioning much of what I am told, but I do slip into monasticism once in a while.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Deleece Smith said...

I personally lean more to the Monasticism. Religion is the most important part of my life. As long as I have my religion, nothing else matters. I know that having an education and researching things for yourself is very, but if you think about it, will being smart get you to heaven? The answer is no.
To be absolurely honest, there is no way that you can live with out. one. Without Scolasticism we would practically be brainwashed into believing whatever people tell you, but is there wasn't monasticism we would have nothing to look foward to after death. That's the whole point of religion, It gives you something to look foward to. So basically, you should live with both to balance things out.

9:51 AM  
Blogger Zach Musselman said...

Scholasticism and monasticism go hand in hand. Scholasticism originaly was brought on by the want for monasticism but once monasticism is esablished the want for scholasticism, the want to better humanity and expand, returns. I think that scholasticism is always needed to expand on a base of monasticism, put in place to spur on scholasticism, by the want for more. You cant have one without the other because peoples want to expand, always repeats the cycle.

2:22 PM  
Blogger KimPetroll said...

I believe that scholasticism is a better principle to base your life off of. If you live by monasticism you listen to what other people have to say and don't figure things out by yourself. Scholasticism makes you figure things out by yourself and learn from your mistakes. If everyone tells you what to do, like monasticism, you will never learn to solve your own problems or be able to live an individual life because you will depend on other people. Scholasticism lets you be individual and learn to be your own person.

2:32 PM  
Blogger emily bowen said...

I would think that scholasticism is the most important to me. I think that to form our opinions we need to base our knowledge not only what people say but on what we know and think. Thats how i form my opinions and solve my problems. When we base our thoughts on stictly what people say we dont have the chance to find new ideas and methods of doing things. without scholasticism we would have never discovered half the things we have today!

2:35 PM  
Blogger Ally 2nd said...

Scholasticism, the value of education, and monasticism, the value of religion, are two very different things. I do think, however, that each can be balanced. I know that throughout my past and future education it is important to understand the need for everything to be based on fact, reason, and logic. But then again, why can't there be room to wonder? I would consider my faith an important aspect of my life and without it would be nowhere. I strongly feel that there can be a balance of the two in one's life. It is only a choice between two extremes, if someone makes it a choice.

4:18 PM  
Blogger dpainter said...

I believe that it is more important to believe in scholasticism. The reason is because life would be so different to wake up one day and realize that there are so many questions about the world you dont know the answers to. if we all lived in a world where monasticism was encouraged then we would be illiterate and curios. even having scholasticism we still all have questions about everyday life, but thats why its great to be able to ask questions. so many people are eager to learn and be educated, so we shouldnt let life go by without having the opportunity of questioning and reason. i could live and survive with this way of life because i do not like to be told what to do anyways, and i like to ask "why" and "how" and know why things work the way they do. why listen and believe what other people say, when you can experience curiosity for yourself and know.

8:24 PM  
Blogger Megan Bradford said...

Scholasticism is the most important part because you learn what you want to learn and what is important to you. Both coinside and are important but scholasticism is more important.

11:26 AM  
Blogger melanie todd said...

i think scholasticism is more important becuase it teaches people to question things they dont believe and not just conform to what everyone else says. i think it is possible to live life by just one, but i dont think its a good idea. living by a mixture of both would you allow you to believe other people as well as question the parts you dont think are right. so far i think i am more scholastic. i dont believe everything people say and i question things that i think are wrong.

11:32 AM  
Blogger kaite damgar said...

scholasticism is a better principle to live your life by because you are asking questions and thinking for yourself but if you live by monasticism you just listen to what other people say.

11:45 AM  
Blogger John Wehr said...

I would have to say that scholasticism is more important. As a whole, our civilization would be better if we were more educated. If we learn to think for ourselves then future generations will be more prosperus. However, if we were more monastic, our society wouldn't question authority like we would if we were thinking for ourselves. I think there should be a certain balance between the two. If we learn to do that, then we will be closer to creating the perfect society.

12:02 PM  
Blogger nikki dinsmore said...

I do not see either one as more important to me. Both are equally important, but equally different. While Monasticism is about religious beliefs and following with obedience, Scholasticism is about education and solving situations. While my religious beliefs are strong, I also value my education. I believe that you can live your life by only one of these ideas, but you must be a very simple and closed minded person.

12:04 PM  
Blogger DANA PAGE said...

Scholasticism because people should have the right to think for themselves. It allows them to be more independent and cultivate a more original personality. Wheras monasticism, everything is already decided for you and it's boring for you to learn things that you can't argue with. It doesn't make things interesting and it's definitely not fun for anyone to learn. Which is not positive and no one likes negativeness.

1:38 PM  
Blogger shelby thomas said...

I think that both are important and that each person can use both scholasticism and monasticism in their lives. Shcolasticism is important because it is very logical and causes a person to think for themselves. To me though monasticism is more important. My religion is very important to me and by believing in that everything else just seems to fall into place. Monasticism is faith based.I think for anyone, having faith in something you can't see can always make them a stronger person. To live a balanced life, I think they are both equally important and you need both.

8:47 PM  
Blogger Alex Elliott said...

On September 11, 2001, my 4th grade teacher asked a class of eleven year olds a question that’s become one of the most pressing issues of my generation. We were locked in a classroom, banned from watching any news, and they’d just made an announcement over the intercom briefly mentioning the attacks. “Where do these people come from?” She asked, alluding to the terrorists responsible. Obviously she didn’t expect us to have the answer, in fact, I doubt she expected anyone to, but as the issues of fundamentalism, extremism, and intolerance become increasingly prevalent in our society, I think we’ve finally found the answer Ms. Day was so desperate for six years ago. The ideologies that foster intolerance and terrorism arise from one-sided educations and lack of personal choice. In other words, it’s a lack of scholasticism that’s to blame. Not only do I try as best I can to follow the ideology behind scholasticism, but I think the philosophy is necessary for a productive and tolerant society as well. I’m by no means attempting to renounce religion or hold it responsible for every instance of bigotry, I’m simply proposing that monasticism as a teaching method or an it-is-because-I-say-so-philosophy is ultimately detrimental. Yes, a mixture of both philosophies is possible, though difficult to maintain. In fact, not only do I think it’s possible for an individual to live their life entirely by only one of these philosophies (and I have to say I’d prefer it was scholasticism over monasticism), but I think doing so is necessary and required by social responsibility.

10:00 PM  
Blogger Alvin Le said...

I believe that scholsticism is more important to me because i like to find things out for myself. I believe that figuring things out for yourself helps you make better choices and life and carry you on from there. You wouldn't have to depend on anybody

2:17 PM  
Blogger Alvin Le said...

I think that scholasticism is more important, when compared to Monasticism. Sholasticism motivates people to apply their own ideas to understand something, and question what they are being told. Monasticism is a much different way of thinking. People who fall into this category, listen to what others tell them, may it be involved with religion, some authorities, or other concepts. They dont tend to be as reliant upon themselves, rather than on others.
I think i am more of an sholasticism person because I dont always accept what people tell me. Although I think Sholasticism is better thena Monasticism, I think it would be best to have a little of both. There are some choices that cannot just be solved by using logic terms, and sometimes you have to just believe in what you are being told. To know when to use one or the other, is what makes you a great thinker.

11:13 PM  
Blogger Brenna said...

Scholasticism is more important to me because it's a way to solve problems and make decisions based of reason and logic. Whereas monasticism resorts more to making decisions etc. based off your religious beliefs. I resort more to scholasticism because I think things out and find the logical way to solve it rather than turn to my (basically non-existant) beliefs of religion.
I do however, believe it's possible to use both to make decisions because based on the situation, one may be easier to act on than the other.

1:46 PM  

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