Roman Values

This blog is for the students of Liberty High School. This is an open forum for them to discuss class projects, events and interact with each other about the history they have experienced in class.
This is my 20th year as a teacher and my eighth in the Liberty School District. I love getting students to think about the world they are living in by visiting the past.
The Romans had many lasting effects on the modern world today. One of these values would be importance of a government. The Romans created the first democratic government that is very similar to the one that we have today. An idea of a unified government lead to the idea of a unified country. These values were carried over to our modern day world and now we use democracy as our form of government. Since our government is so succesful many places are turning to this type of government. (With a little bit of the United States help of course.)I do believe that these values will continue throughout cultures because having a solid government is a key to having a succesful and worthwhile civilization.
a roman value that is very apparent in todays society would have to be art, which was very valued in romes classy, modern society. not just paintings and things like that were valued, but things such as architecture, sculpture, and even things such as armor and weaponry could be considered a form of art during the time. all of these forms of art are also valued in todays society, clothing, buildings, paintings; all are important and will remain so in future cultures
The Roman value that is most present in America today is their value of building structure. The Romans spent much time building beautiful pieces of art like bridges and stadiums with arch ways. The Romans also valued their kings, we don't do that like we should. America should apprecdiate the governmebnt more like the Romans. However, we still use ideas from The Roma.ns like their democracy
Other cultures and countries also value their time spent on elaborate buildings that maybe aren't so necessary.
Even in today's world, the Romans have had lasting effects on culture and values. In the United States, the most influential Roman value of course democracy. The Romans were the first to have an effective democratic system of government. All aspects of this government has been applied to the United States and many other countries; and as far as I can see it has been working well for everyone. Romans, of course, valued the arts as well. I think these values have been elaborated upon, especially in the western world. Art and literature in general have helped to advance education, culture, etc. The majority of Roman values have influenced and been a part of society, past and present.
The ideal of a representative government is the most prevelent Roman value that is still prevelent in the United States. Although they were not a true democracy neither are we. If we were a true democracy we would vote on EVERY THING! I do beleive that a representative government will always be important to the american people, somthing that our country was founded on.
governement is an important value that is still around today. Government will be and is very important toother cultures as well. We have probably one of the most successful governments in the world so other cultures and places are turning to ours.
I think the most important Roman Value we still hold on to is democracy. It is how we live and have lived for a long time. Without democracy we wouldnt be as rich and powerful as what we are.
The Romans impacted our modern society a lot. For example, their democracy. Also, the impact of the arts and architecture. What they did then, we only emphasize and improve. Especially the writing.
One of the earliest forms of organized government was formed by the romans and has carried on into later civilizations ever since. European and American governments all have there roots from the governments set up by the romans.
Also the Strive for power was something that romans highly valued and is apparent in every culture today. Everybody wants power and the romans knew how to go about it with a strong central government and a strong army. Every World power today has both, if either was lacking power would be unattainable.
All in all romans had core values that made there civilization as great as it was. From them every World power today has learned and benefited. Rome left its mark on the world.
Roman values still do have effects on our world today. Some of the values are art and government. Although as many people have already stated we do not respect our government as much as we should or as the Romans did. However they valued their art. Much of this art appears in our world today. It appears in architecture and many other forms of art today, showing further more that roman values have had lasting effects on the world around us.
The Roman's government was a very important aspect of their society. This is what made Rome, Rome. An effective governmental system is the key to becoming a dominant world power. Our fore-fathers looked to the past to make the future better. The attempted to harness the government of Rome and improve it to create the greatest country possible.
The Roman's government was a very important aspect of their society. This is what made Rome, Rome. An effective governmental system is the key to becoming a dominant world power. Our fore-fathers looked to the past to make the future better. The attempted to harness the government of Rome and improve it to create the greatest country possible.
The Roman's government was a very important aspect of their society. This is what made Rome, Rome. An effective governmental system is the key to becoming a dominant world power. Our fore-fathers looked to the past to make the future better. The attempted to harness the government of Rome and improve it to create the greatest country possible.
The Roman's government was a very important aspect of their society. This is what made Rome, Rome. An effective governmental system is the key to becoming a dominant world power. Our fore-fathers looked to the past to make the future better. The attempted to harness the government of Rome and improve it to create the greatest country possible.
It’s been said that “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Here in our own country though, the phrase is a little different: “when in America, do as the Romans do.” Whether it’s the architecture of our buildings, the organization of our government, or the importance of art and expression in our cultural and social framework, Roman influence in the United States is undeniable. Some of these ideas are nothing but positive. For example, our republican government (republican as in republic, not the political party), derived from a Roman model, allows for representation and timely change. Conversely however, increasing instances of political scandal within the Roman Empire as it neared its decline are mirrored by our own politicians. While I doubt Senator Foley consciously modeled his actions after Emperors like Caligula, the similarities are no less disturbing. It’s really Roman political and governmental principles that are most prevalent in our society. One can only hope then that our “empire” doesn’t follow the same path .
I think that art is the most evident Roman value in present life. Their buildings and statues were so beautiful and timeless and people are still fascinated with them today. The art work from the Romans will never be "dated" and will always be remembered. It will stay around and fascinate many people for years to come.
The Roman's value of government is the most apparent in the values of the United States. They created the first government, and the U.S.'s now is greatly similar. A democratic government is strong and stable and is a good basis for a country to build on. I believe that this value of government will always be important to cultures for that reason.
There are many cultures today that share the same values as Rome. The main is a representive government that speaks for the people. Althought that is mainly seen in the United States, it is seen today in other forms. Other values such as art, and knowledge are used largely around the world. Countries pride themselves on the great monuments they create, and the elegant arts their people produce. Countries such as China and the United States comptete to build the tallest skyscrapers. Rome had some of the best buildings known at the time, and countries still follow in their steps today.
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