Why is trade with China good for America?

This blog is for the students of Liberty High School. This is an open forum for them to discuss class projects, events and interact with each other about the history they have experienced in class.
This is my 20th year as a teacher and my eighth in the Liberty School District. I love getting students to think about the world they are living in by visiting the past.
Trade with China is good for America because if we trade with them, it means we have something they want, and to a certain extent, we can control them.
It's especially good now, because they are funding us with the money we gave them.
Trade with china is good for America for various reasons. It allows us to have products for lower prices and allows us to have an allie. This is helpfull because when we are in a bad economic time we can lean on China to help us out with money by giving us loans. China also allows us to have a say in what other countrys do. For example if a county is doing a act such as the genocide in darfur. Because they do not like us they refuse to listen. However they like China which allows us to pressure China into telling the country to cease all activity of that nature. China provides us with an allie and a means of streching our power thoughout the world in a friendly manner.
-Thomas Jones (hr 2)
I believe that America's trade with China will be beneficial in the near future, but harmful in the long-term future. China is benefiting our country for the time being because China is funding trillions of dollars of America debt in the form of loans. So although we are getting the trillions of dollars that we need today, eventually we will have to pay China back even more money. This could put our country back into a Depression or a recession, because we may not have all the money that we need to pay China back. There really is no simple solution to this problem, because we can't just stop our trade with China, but continuing it may be harmful to our economy in the future.
I believe trade with China at the moment is helping America because they're giving us money. However, the money they give us is just being sent right back over there when we pay for their goods. So not only do are we paying them the money right back via trade we're also paying it back with interest. So I do not really believe trade with China is good for America.
Trade with China is good for America, because America can recieve more products for less. Also, trade equals peace so as long as we are pumping money into China that means we won't be a war with them.
Trade with China is good for America first of all, because we're obatining some kind of resource through it, and also because since China and the U.S. are trading partners, there is a smaller chance of a conflict escalating.
Trade with China and America has it's pros and cons. China is growing into the worlds largest power and by trading things with them, we know that they are now on our (America's) side. And now that our economy is in a very bad state, they are going to help us because we help them. Without the trade, they wouldn't want anything from and us, and then they would have no reason to not attack us. So they would invade, and take over, or just wipe us out. The bad thing is, in order to keep receiving things we want from them we have to make sure we don't interfere with any of their allies. So we can't completley do everything our country wants to do. So the trade with China and America is nor good or bad, but mutual.
-Ty Moore
Yes, trade with China is good but we have took it too far because we are starting to owe China trillions of dollars. Our economy will recover, but once it does, the Chinese are going to be at our footstep asking for some money to pay them back. But without them, we would be in a situation a lot worse than what we are already in.
We are soon going to be in trouble with China because we keep barrowing more and more money from them. The fact that China knows we are unstable right now, makes the U.S vulnerable for attack. We need to stay on good terms by trading so that they have no reason to go against us. Trade is kind of a way for the U.S. to pay China back for all of the money we owe them. Also, China currently provides us with many resources that we not only want, but need. If we automatically just stop trading with them, most likely our economy will hurt even more, China and the U.S will not be on good terms, and we will not get all of the supplies and resources that we need to retain.
Kelsey Markus
In this time, trade with China is beneficial to America but America is on a downward slope which will ultimately lead to China surpassing America economically. If America continues to trade with China, jobs will be forced away from within America. Also, China has relatively no human rights for workers when compared to America. America has high standards for the wellness of employees, the safeness of their workplace, as well as the minimum pay they will be given. In China, however, workers are not often treated well and do not receive the same pay that an American worker would receive which is the cause of the low prices that are associated with a product labeled "Made in China." Plus, as the Chinese receive more work, and inevitably more money, the Chinese workforce will continue to ask for more money just as Americans do so the cheap products will soon become more expensive to meet the demands of the rising "average Joe" of China. So no, trade with China is not good for Americans.
Yes. I think trade with china is good for America, but only for the next 5-10 years. As trading with china continues the workers will realize they can get more money for the jobs they are doing and eventually company's will have to move their factories to other countries.
Trade with China is good for America because this allows American companies to make money with an economic super power.
Trading with China is a good thing. The more we trade with them and as long as we have the things they need they will keep coming back to us. Eventually this will help out our economic issues and we wont be in trillions of dollars in debt.
-Taylor Harmon hr2
Trade with Ching is yes benefitial for America but over all not good. It is true that companies can get items made at cheaper prices, but out sourceing to China looses jobs for Americans, those are jobs many people in our country need. Trading with China also puts us in a lot of debt. Our governemnt should stop borrowing money from China. The massive loans will not help us much in the long run if we can't learn to manage our money as a country. China provides, yes, a comrad but our country does not completly benefit from them. We loose lots of jobs and companies because trade with China is much easier and cheaper. I'm not saying all trade is bad. We definatly need to trade with other countries but I don't believe we should be trading such a massive amount of goods.
-Brennan Canuteson hr.1
Trade with China is good for America because it gives America the chance to recooperate during bad economic times, China supplies cheap goods, and hopefully encourages peace between the two countries. Trade with China has also been a good thing for large American multinationals.
Hey, hope you do not mind me butting in on your web site. This is a great idea!
I am an old school teacher.
At first, I did not think that it was such a good idea for all these other nations to get involved.
My folks were encouraging it. I thought they were nuts.
Well you know what? Now if the USA goes down then so do they. Globalization is a reality. Truth is it always was it is just now dawningt on mankind.
All life is interdependent.
World economy is like that.
I think that trade with China to a certain extent is bad for the United States. In the 1950s most of the items that consumers bought were produced in the United States but now most come from China or Japan. It is rare to find an object that says "Made in the USA" .The jobs have been taken away from Americans because many companies move the jobs over there. It is cheaper to produce a product there than it is here. So that leaves more Americans trying to find jobs that have been shipped off to Asia.
The Chinese also don't have the quality control that we do. Not too long ago the FDA and the USDA recalled dog food because it had Melamine in it. This was making cats and dogs sick to the point of dying. It was also in feed that was fed to livestock, which was later consumed by humans. The FDA and USDA determined that the tainted meat had little effect on humans. But still this was the second time that something like this has happened from a product made in China. In September 2008, milk and baby formula was pulled off the shelves in many countries because it contained Melamine. Over a dozen people died from this. And then there’s the lead paint on toy incident too, the list goes on and on.
I believe that right now China is going through the same growing pains that we went through in the late 1800 and early 1900's as depicted in the novel by Upton Sinclair, The Jungle. I think Americans should take due caution when buying a product from China, until China government can better regulate the products being shipped out. And we should buy American made products whenever possible to support our fellow country men and women.
- Sydney Stewart
Hour 3
October 6,2010
While I would feel more comforatble knowing my own country is self-sufficient, I believe the trading with Chna benefits the U.S. As of right now, trading can help to keep the inflation rates down and keeps the costs of goods and services at a fair rate for the citizens of America. Even though, it's good for us at the moment, I wouldn't want to continue depending on China for the majority of our goods. If we do that, China will have an upper hand on us. The U.S. is already 11- some trillions dollars in debt, and trading with China, could be potentialy harmful if we don't start exporting more goods than we bring in.
I believe trade with China is terrible for America and their people. China indeed contributes to a lot of American debt. The United States is already in so much debt due to the attempts to reform our econemy. America certianly doesn't need to be buying more goods from China. Secondly, trade with China lowers job opportunities for Americans which are currently in high demand. If all the factories that supply the The United States with goods were here then many Americans would have jobs.
To be completly honest I really don't see any good thing in trading with China right now. Except for there goods being cheap and them giving us money. Otherwise there is many down sides to trading with China. America is currently in a recession which is brought on by the trillions of dollars that we are in debt with china. So basically China is funding the pain and suffering occurring in America. With them providing loans for us it is giving them a greater power over our country. We are in debt with them therefore if one day we were to get into a war with China we would have no way in funding the war, because all our money is tied up in China. Giving them the ultimate victory. China is increasingly passing us in the race for power in this world. Trading with them is only making the recession of America greater.
Trade with China allows us to be an important contributor to their economy as well as have them contribute to ours. The money put into it helps both of our country. The trade and balance keeps us on good terms with them. With the economy the way it is, the trade and goods brought over are definitely helping with the situation. The fact that a lot of goods and everyday items we own say "Made In China" just shows that China is a very important piece of our economic puzzle.
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