Economic Stimulus For America

This blog is for the students of Liberty High School. This is an open forum for them to discuss class projects, events and interact with each other about the history they have experienced in class.
This is my 20th year as a teacher and my eighth in the Liberty School District. I love getting students to think about the world they are living in by visiting the past.
The recession has effected me because I can no longer do some of the stuff with my friends that I used to and the teachers I used to have got laid off because the district can no longer afford as many teachers.
Because of the recession I have learned why fiscal responsibility is so important and why my parents can't stress it enough.
The current state of the economy has had a large effect on me. I can't spend money as freely as I used to. I now have a responsibility to spend my money wisely. I can't do all the things with my friends that I used to, and when we plan activities, we try to do things that are free. I have learned so much from the economy- Mainly the importance of thinking before I spend. I have also learned how to look for good sales, compare prices, etc. It has also given me a little look into what my parents deal with all the time- Making sacrifices to save money.
This economy has really shown me how important it is to save and budget my money. I have started babysitting more and am spending less on the little things I want and am saving towards big things like a trip to France this summer. I am fortunate that the economy and unemployment problems have not directly affected my family as much as others. I realize that some of my friends families are having a harder time dealing with lost jobs and money, experiencing this has really made me more aware of how saving and budgeting are responsible things to do with my income. This economy has shown me just how much everyday people can be affected by the choices of big business and the government.
The economy has greatly affected me because my parents rarely have money left over after paying their bills and this has lead to me eating less food and not getting as many material possessions as I was used to. This is the way it is with most of the United States right now. Some things I have learned from this recession is how our federal debt is rising every minute by millions of dollars.
The economy has greatly affected me because my parents rarely have money left over after paying their bills and this has lead to me eating less food and not getting as many material possessions as I was used to. This is the way it is with most of the United States right now. Some things I have learned from this recession is how our federal debt is rising every minute by millions of dollars.
The economic crisis is making people get laid off there jobs because paying people is too expensive and companies cant afford it. i am fortunate that both my parents are still working but i don't know what i would do if one of them got laid off.
-Taylor Harmon hr2
The economy right now has had a big affect on me. My parents are independent business owners and are very cautious about how they spend their money, because they know that the business they own could fall very easily. My dad was offered a job in Iraq and is considering taking it because it pays well. They are taking this into muck consideration because they know the economy is bad and they want to have finacial security. I think i have grown up a lot because of the ecomomic resession because I am able to realize that you have to work hard for your money and there are people out there who would be glad just to have a job.
The failure of he American economy has directly affected my family and I. While my immediate family, (including myself) only had to make a few sacrifices, such as not eating out, shopping at Aldi's or Wal-Mart, and limiting our social activities to low costing activities, it was my cousins that took it the hardest. My aunt and uncle own their own local business in Springfield, MO. When the recession hit, they were forced to send our cousins to public schools, down size their home, and sell one of their cars. The recession has definately taught me the importance of saving my money and investing it wisely. I've learned that it's extremely important to only make large purchases if you're postive you can pay them off.
The current state of the economy has effected more than I had previously thought it had. A few years ago when I was young and oblivious, I used to think that only the the poorest, homeless people feel the hurt of the recession. I now have realized that nearly everyone is having to sacrifice past luxuries. It is because of the poor economy that I realized that going on a skiing vacation doesn't come without a sacrifice, either by my needs or wants or my parents work hours. The recesion has opened all of this up to me.
The economy has effected me in many ways. My parents used to pay for everything I did, but now they tell me I should start paying my own way because they can't afford eevrything I want. It has also effected me at school. I can no longer do some of the things I used to because of budget cuts. I have learned that this has happened in the past and that worrying won't do any good. All you can do is pay for the things you need, and not necessarily eberything you want.
The recession has affected me in numerous ways. Many people in my family have lost there jobs during this recession and it is very hard to find a job in this economy. But some jobs to be lacking in numbers because the people who have been fired from high paying jobs get paid more on unemployment than they would if they had a regular job. It’s hard for teens to find a job because all the adults are taking the normal teen jobs. It is hard for me to find a job right now. Budget cuts have affected me at school because many things have been eliminated within the school that I enjoyed. Or we have to fundraise or pay more to be able to do certain activities and have certain things. I have learned that the government actually does take action eventually to take care of the problems within our country.
The economy affected me because, not only did it take away privilages, but it also took away needs. It seemed like my mother didn't have enough financial support to support us both and in turn, made things rough. But I leanred a lot more about than I did from before and found out that it's the mot fragile thing out there that Americans can't afford to harm in any way. Also job cuts have become great because businesses find it impossible to keep there salary sustained.
The economy has had a great impact on not only me, but my entire generation. We've all learned how to be responsible with money and now that we're all getting jobs and paying for ourselves, we're gaining new knowledge when it comes to spending money. Things like looking for sales, comparing prices, and other ways to save money are a regular thing now. I've learned a lot from the economy. The thing that has the biggest effect is just learning how to spend my money wisely and finding cheap or free things to do with friends.
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