Mr. Coffman's Classroom

This blog is for the students of Liberty High School. This is an open forum for them to discuss class projects, events and interact with each other about the history they have experienced in class.

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Location: Lee's Summit, Missouri

This is my 20th year as a teacher and my eighth in the Liberty School District. I love getting students to think about the world they are living in by visiting the past.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

SSR Reviews for All Classes.

Is there a book that you have read either on your own or during SSR that you think other people would like to read? If there is, please let us know about it. Just give us the Title of the book and the author and a short review. Don't give away the plot, just let us know what it is about. Also, let people know the how it reads. Some books are easy reads and some are much more difficult. Below is a review for one of my favorites.

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.
Hemingway is a very easy and fast read. His writing style is short, crisp, descriptive sentences. His books are about mans ability to overcome obstacles. In the Old Mand and the Sea the main character is a fisherman that fights to catch the biggest fish he has ever caught. It doesn't seem like much of a story, but the story is about more than just a fish. It is about all of us and the will that we have to overcome obstacles. This is a great book for someone who is having a hard time coping with some of lifes stresses, it can change your mindset and give you the will to fight on and overcome. It is a very powerful book.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the book called, A Lesson Before Dying, which is about a black teenage boy back in the 1920's that was wrongly accused of murder and is put on death row, and the book is mainly about his life in jail and how his teacher visits him throughout his experience, and them learning about eachother.

4:27 PM  
Blogger Brooke McPheeters said...

I am reading RIGHT BEHIND YOU by Gail Gates which is a quick and easy read, but is very good. It is about this boy named Kip McFarland who when he was nine set Bobby Clarke on fire and Bobby died. Kip has to go on in his life living with a painful secret of that going to a new school with a new name and everything. This book makes me wanting to read more and more and it will with you too. I'm positive about that.

8:07 PM  

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